Pakistan Super League Matches to be Streamed Online on Youtube

Pakistan Super League Matches to be Streamed Online on Youtube

In a press release, Pakistan Cricket Board (PBC) has announced its partnership with Google to stream Pakistan Super League matches on Youtube - the world's largest video hosting website. Youtube, which has been unblocked recently in Pakistan after a 3.5 year ban, will be hosting live streams for all 24 PSL T20 matches. The matches will be streamed on Pakistan Super League and Pakistan Cricket Board websites as well.
Pakistan Super League (PSL T20) to Start in February 2016

Pakistan Super League (PSL T20) All Set to Start in February 2016

After over six years of continuous struggle from Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), the Pakistan Super League (PSL T20) is finally set to start in February, 2016. Pakistan Cricket Board first announced Pakistan Super League in 2009 but due to the ongoing political situation in the country, the dream could not come true for over six years.